Statistics & Research about South Bend,WA - Arthur Strand Insurance Inc

Here are some statistics & research about South Bend,WA an area served by Arthur Strand Insurance Inc

Phone : 360-875-6261

Real estate research for area nearby Arthur Strand Insurance Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Deep River 189,100 715 4.5
Willapa 154400 NA NA
Hoquiam 103,600 688 8.0
Naselle 170,500 728 5.1
Pacific County 162,100 693 5.1
Lebam 163700 NA NA
Rosburg 160,300 565 4.2
Westport 169,500 640 4.5
Aberdeen 119,700 703 7.0
Central Park 193,800 689 4.3

Number of whites in places near by Arthur Strand Insurance Inc

Place name Number of whites
Deep River 135
Willapa 197
Hoquiam 7262
Naselle 2028
Pacific County 18375
Lebam 142
Rosburg 473
Westport 5443
Aberdeen 13779
Central Park 2593
Pe Ell 467
Aberdeen-Hoquiam 27951
Long Beach 1430
Malone-Porter 1398
Aberdeen Gardens 223

Number of old houses in places near by Arthur Strand Insurance Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Deep River 225000
Willapa 125000
Hoquiam 102800
Naselle 155900
Pacific County 140400
Lebam 165500
Rosburg 57400
Westport 206300
Aberdeen 116800
Central Park 144500
Pe Ell 137500
Aberdeen-Hoquiam 114000
Long Beach 161100
Malone-Porter 112500
Aberdeen Gardens 167900

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Arthur Strand Insurance Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Deep River 145000
Willapa 206300
Hoquiam 29400
Naselle 218900
Pacific County 165700
Rosburg 183100
Westport 151500
Aberdeen 39600
Central Park 205000
Pe Ell 131300
Aberdeen-Hoquiam 150200
Malone-Porter 105900
Aberdeen Gardens 207500

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Arthur Strand Insurance Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Deep River 4
Willapa 2
Hoquiam 186
Naselle 46
Pacific County 397
Rosburg 22
Westport 48
Aberdeen 363
Central Park 27
Aberdeen-Hoquiam 633
Long Beach 20