Statistics & Research about Wilbur,WA - Associated Agency Group

Here are some statistics & research about Wilbur,WA an area served by Associated Agency Group

Phone : 509-647-5761

Real estate research for area nearby Associated Agency Group

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Coulee City 169,300 411 2.9
Grand Coulee 162,300 618 4.6
Lincoln County 154,800 630 4.9
Keller 156,300 253 1.9
Coulee Dam 122,000 698 6.9
Wilbur 136,800 529 4.6
Elmer City 127,100 910 8.6
Creston 90,800 517 6.8
Harrington 84,700 683 9.7
Hartline 95,000 775 9.8

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Associated Agency Group

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Coulee City 206
Grand Coulee 174
Lincoln County 377
Keller 7
Coulee Dam 67
Wilbur 125
Elmer City 12
Creston 10
Harrington 21
Hartline 7
Electric City 51
Davenport 185
Banks Lake South 3
Almira 2
Odessa 67

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Associated Agency Group

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Coulee City 301800
Grand Coulee 400000
Lincoln County 262300
Wilbur 416700
Elmer City 85000
Harrington 127500
Electric City 430000
Davenport 260700
Odessa 159400

Number of blacks in places near by Associated Agency Group

Place name Number of blacks
Coulee City 11
Grand Coulee 12
Lincoln County 30
Coulee Dam 11
Wilbur 13
Electric City 10
Davenport 17

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Associated Agency Group

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Coulee City 187500
Grand Coulee 237500
Lincoln County 181800
Wilbur 195800
Elmer City 106300
Creston 137500
Harrington 133300
Electric City 1000001
Davenport 190200
Banks Lake South 117500
Odessa 125000