Statistics & Research about Spokane Valley,WA - Capital Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Spokane Valley,WA an area served by Capital Insurance

Phone : 509-324-1398

Car dealers nearby Capital Insurance

Appleway Volkswagen

10006 East Sprague Ave Spokane Valley,WA 99206
Spokane Valley,WA
Phone: (866) 308-0026

Big Boys Toys Auto Sales

Big Boys Toys Auto Sales 6708 E Appleway.Spokane Valley,WA,99212 PH509-892-1555
Spokane Valley,WA
Phone: 509-892-1555

Real estate research for area nearby Capital Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Liberty Lake 225,300 945 5.0
Spokane 179,100 744 5.0
Town and Country 172,600 939 6.5
Rathdrum 155,100 905 7.0
Hayden 192,100 1016 6.3
Mount Spokane 290,300 1525 6.3
Spirit Lake-Athol 233,700 899 4.6
Valleyford 372,100 891 2.9
Mead 198,300 775 4.7
Four Lakes 144500 NA NA

Number of whites in places near by Capital Insurance

Place name Number of whites
Liberty Lake 15240
Spokane 312762
Town and Country 5005
Rathdrum 6584
Hayden 12947
Mount Spokane 6109
Spirit Lake-Athol 13662
Valleyford 2477
Mead 6727
Four Lakes 310
State Line 22
Fairchild AFB 2414
Deer Park 27576
Rockford 2902
Airway Heights 11462

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Capital Insurance

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Liberty Lake 253
Spokane 19609
Town and Country 111
Rathdrum 128
Hayden 220
Mount Spokane 180
Spirit Lake-Athol 407
Mead 125
Four Lakes 23
State Line 5
Fairchild AFB 20
Deer Park 371
Rockford 75
Airway Heights 209

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Capital Insurance

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Liberty Lake 170000
Spokane 217800
Rathdrum 112500
Hayden 177200
Mount Spokane 263000
Spirit Lake-Athol 235100
Valleyford 359800
Mead 174000
Deer Park 202300
Rockford 154200
Airway Heights 212800

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Capital Insurance

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Liberty Lake 2114
Spokane 46015
Town and Country 949
Rathdrum 1351
Hayden 2521
Mount Spokane 1262
Spirit Lake-Athol 2848
Valleyford 522
Mead 1046
Four Lakes 24
State Line 6
Fairchild AFB 366
Deer Park 4440
Rockford 563
Airway Heights 1960