Statistics & Research about Pasco,WA - Conover Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Pasco,WA an area served by Conover Insurance

Phone : (509) 545-3800

Car dealers nearby Conover Insurance

Legacy Ford Pasco

Phone: (509) 544-8000
url: http://legacyfordpasco.dealerc

Real estate research for area nearby Conover Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Northwest Benton 173,700 672 4.6
Richland-Kennewick 177,400 786 5.3
Touchet 273,300 715 3.1
West Richland 193,400 767 4.8
Benton City 122,400 774 7.6
Hermiston-Umatilla 136,700 678 6.0
Irrigon 105,500 733 8.3
Kennewick 163,700 748 5.5
Benton County 174,800 779 5.3

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Conover Insurance

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Northwest Benton 688
Richland-Kennewick 11222
Touchet 169
West Richland 1133
Benton City 296
Hermiston-Umatilla 1998
Irrigon 98
Kennewick 4354
Benton County 12271
Kahlotus 64
Finley 278
South Benton 65
Pasco North 1064

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Conover Insurance

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Northwest Benton 281
Richland-Kennewick 3198
Touchet 33
West Richland 166
Benton City 34
Hermiston-Umatilla 274
Irrigon 4
Kennewick 1308
Benton County 3544
Kahlotus 35
Finley 26
South Benton 31
Pasco North 313

Number of blacks in places near by Conover Insurance

Place name Number of blacks
Northwest Benton 43
Richland-Kennewick 2357
West Richland 54
Benton City 37
Hermiston-Umatilla 174
Irrigon 4
Kennewick 1331
Benton County 2437
Finley 56
Pasco North 72

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Conover Insurance

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Northwest Benton 195500
Richland-Kennewick 250000
Touchet 376100
West Richland 235400
Benton City 183800
Hermiston-Umatilla 164000
Irrigon 116300
Kennewick 220500
Benton County 246400
Kahlotus 226200
Finley 165500
South Benton 225000
Pasco North 197600