Statistics & Research about Aberdeen,WA - Dave Johnson Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Aberdeen,WA an area served by Dave Johnson Insurance

Phone : 360-533-1741

Car dealers nearby Dave Johnson Insurance

Five Star Chevrolet Buick

300 S. Boone St. Aberdeen,WA 98520
Phone: (360) 637-6226

Real estate research for area nearby Dave Johnson Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
McCleary 167,100 882 6.3
Bay Center 173400 NA NA
Ocean City 122400 NA NA
Westport 169,500 640 4.5
Hoquiam 103,600 688 8.0
Montesano 193,900 655 4.1
Brady 225,000 660 3.5
Aberdeen 119,700 703 7.0
Humptulips 172,100 571 4.0

Number of old houses in places near by Dave Johnson Insurance

Place name Number of old houses
McCleary 134700
Bay Center 89000
Westport 206300
Hoquiam 102800
Montesano 166100
Brady 225900
Aberdeen 116800
Humptulips 185000
North River 133900
Raymond 93900
Pacific County 140400
Cosmopolis 156100

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Dave Johnson Insurance

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
McCleary 190200
Westport 207600
Hoquiam 178100
Montesano 247600
Brady 222000
Aberdeen 227500
Humptulips 541700
North River 189800
Raymond 197600
Pacific County 204200
Cosmopolis 213200

Number of new houses in places near by Dave Johnson Insurance

Place name Number of new houses
Raymond 153100
Pacific County 173400

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Dave Johnson Insurance

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
McCleary 151000
Ocean City 1000001
Westport 151400
Hoquiam 128800
Montesano 187200
Brady 257700
Aberdeen 122700
Humptulips 164000
North River 213900
Raymond 109600
Pacific County 150400
Cosmopolis 173600