Statistics & Research about Tumwater,WA - Ea-Strategy Insurance Brokers Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Tumwater,WA an area served by Ea-Strategy Insurance Brokers Llc

Phone : 360-943-9974

Real estate research for area nearby Ea-Strategy Insurance Brokers Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Wauna 272,500 961 4.2
Porter 127900 NA NA
Steilacoom 298,900 1049 4.2
Nisqually Indian Community 181,300 585 3.9
Yelm 209,400 1230 7.0
Fircrest 309,400 1165 4.5
Midland 194,800 922 5.7
Gig Harbor Peninsula 391,800 1139 3.5
DuPont 301,200 1776 7.1
Skokomish Reservation 78,800 691 10.5

Number of whites in places near by Ea-Strategy Insurance Brokers Llc

Place name Number of whites
Wauna 3943
Porter 236
Steilacoom 4767
Nisqually Indian Community 119
Yelm 5767
Fircrest 5304
Midland 5484
Gig Harbor Peninsula 43585
DuPont 5804
Skokomish Reservation 166
Chehalis 6617
Ruston 652
Anderson Island 797
Summit 6880
Grand Mound 2499

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Ea-Strategy Insurance Brokers Llc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Wauna 1039
Porter 75
Steilacoom 1071
Nisqually Indian Community 133
Yelm 1450
Fircrest 1008
Midland 1481
Gig Harbor Peninsula 9526
DuPont 1604
Skokomish Reservation 92
Chehalis 1025
Ruston 147
Anderson Island 294
Summit 1654
Grand Mound 591

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Ea-Strategy Insurance Brokers Llc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Wauna 67
Steilacoom 42
Nisqually Indian Community 19
Yelm 132
Fircrest 157
Midland 68
Gig Harbor Peninsula 878
DuPont 133
Skokomish Reservation 7
Chehalis 83
Ruston 14
Summit 234
Grand Mound 12

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Ea-Strategy Insurance Brokers Llc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Wauna 276600
Steilacoom 311300
Nisqually Indian Community 212500
Yelm 196900
Fircrest 343600
Midland 167000
Gig Harbor Peninsula 403200
DuPont 316900
Skokomish Reservation 55000
Chehalis 171600
Ruston 384400
Anderson Island 294700
Summit 281300
Grand Mound 167400