Statistics & Research about Yakima,WA - Fournier Group

Here are some statistics & research about Yakima,WA an area served by Fournier Group

Phone : 509-453-1724

Car dealers nearby Fournier Group

Auto Max Usa

Auto Max USA 1701 S 1st St.Yakima,WA,98901 PH509-453-9399
Phone: 509-453-9399

Lee Peterson Motors Of Yakima

410 S First Street , Yakima, WA 98901
Phone: (509) 594-4126

Real estate research for area nearby Fournier Group

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Wapato 92,800 666 8.6
Union Gap 94,500 765 9.7
Buena 112,200 717 7.7
South Yakima 164,200 537 3.9
Summitview 354,900 1272 4.3
Toppenish-Wapato 109,500 626 6.9
Cowiche 254,400 647 3.1
Kittitas 270,700 844 3.7
Yakima 167,300 739 5.3

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Fournier Group

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Wapato 446
Union Gap 949
Buena 140
South Yakima 310
Summitview 12
Toppenish-Wapato 2110
Cowiche 44
Kittitas 403
Yakima 16356
Cliffdell 62
White Swan 49
Eschbach 75
Donald 9
Northeast Yakima 564
Harrah 39

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Fournier Group

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Wapato 98600
Union Gap 23800
South Yakima 64000
Toppenish-Wapato 111500
Kittitas 201600
Yakima 164600
Eschbach 140200
Northeast Yakima 155000
Harrah 128400

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Fournier Group

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Wapato 507
Union Gap 603
Buena 112
South Yakima 582
Summitview 194
Toppenish-Wapato 3320
Cowiche 17
Kittitas 1055
Yakima 21084
Cliffdell 36
White Swan 68
Eschbach 22
Northeast Yakima 1579
Harrah 87

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Fournier Group

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Wapato 165
Union Gap 141
South Yakima 222
Summitview 160
Toppenish-Wapato 1146
Kittitas 303
Yakima 7016
Cliffdell 10
White Swan 67
Eschbach 3
Northeast Yakima 551
Harrah 33