Statistics & Research about Napavine,WA - Fournier Ins Solutions

Here are some statistics & research about Napavine,WA an area served by Fournier Ins Solutions

Phone : 360-266-8000

Real estate research for area nearby Fournier Ins Solutions

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Bunker 266,700 642 2.9
Chehalis 182,300 714 4.7
Mossyrock 211,300 620 3.5
Skamokawa Valley 208100 NA NA
Napavine 207,100 801 4.6
Lewis County 188,600 737 4.7
Ryderwood 89200 NA NA
West Side Highway 169,700 1015 7.2
Rainier 197,300 938 5.7
Winlock-Pe Ell 207,900 806 4.7

Number of vacant houses in places near by Fournier Ins Solutions

Place name Number of vacant houses
Bunker 146
Chehalis 284
Mossyrock 302
Skamokawa Valley 31
Napavine 59
Lewis County 4407
West Side Highway 249
Rainier 78
Winlock-Pe Ell 209
Vader 24
Thurston South 1253
Centralia 928
Mineral 396
Toledo 36

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Fournier Ins Solutions

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Bunker 223300
Chehalis 241200
Mossyrock 211300
Napavine 185800
Lewis County 178100
West Side Highway 141500
Rainier 182800
Winlock-Pe Ell 179100
Vader 75000
Thurston South 221200
Centralia 129700
Mineral 164700
Toledo 108300

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Fournier Ins Solutions

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Bunker 684
Chehalis 1025
Mossyrock 1126
Skamokawa Valley 39
Napavine 1361
Lewis County 15099
Ryderwood 44
West Side Highway 1298
Rainier 501
Winlock-Pe Ell 1441
Vader 115
Thurston South 9134
Centralia 2928
Mineral 983
Toledo 156

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Fournier Ins Solutions

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Bunker 126
Chehalis 412
Mossyrock 221
Skamokawa Valley 25
Napavine 33
Lewis County 3402
Ryderwood 15
West Side Highway 28
Rainier 37
Winlock-Pe Ell 179
Vader 15
Thurston South 821
Centralia 989
Mineral 154
Toledo 26