Statistics & Research about Kelso,WA - Gress Kinney Parrish Insurance Center

Here are some statistics & research about Kelso,WA an area served by Gress Kinney Parrish Insurance Center

Phone : 360-423-1111

Car dealers nearby Gress Kinney Parrish Insurance Center

Dick Hannah Toyota

Phone: 1-888-695-9558

Real estate research for area nearby Gress Kinney Parrish Insurance Center

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Mount Vista 289,100 1096 4.5
Upper Elochoman 239600 NA NA
Ethel 204,300 686 4.0
Lewisville 373,300 1104 3.5
St. Helens 224,100 807 4.3
Duluth 440,300 575 1.6
Westport 38,000 1051 33.2
Toledo 159,100 692 5.2
Castle Rock 214,000 853 4.8
Skamokawa Valley 208100 NA NA

Number of whites in places near by Gress Kinney Parrish Insurance Center

Place name Number of whites
Mount Vista 7008
Upper Elochoman 231
Ethel 2971
Lewisville 1810
St. Helens 21186
Duluth 1436
Westport 475
Toledo 767
Castle Rock 13939
Skamokawa Valley 197
Yacolt 7366
Felida 6648
Rose Valley 4869
Deer Island 235
Dollars Corner 1111

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Gress Kinney Parrish Insurance Center

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Mount Vista 119
Ethel 12
Lewisville 16
St. Helens 280
Duluth 26
Westport 25
Toledo 26
Castle Rock 287
Skamokawa Valley 3
Yacolt 217
Felida 277
Rose Valley 117
Dollars Corner 71

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Gress Kinney Parrish Insurance Center

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Mount Vista 1443
Upper Elochoman 45
Ethel 756
Lewisville 332
St. Helens 4625
Duluth 284
Westport 143
Toledo 156
Castle Rock 2787
Skamokawa Valley 39
Yacolt 1336
Felida 1100
Rose Valley 1203
Deer Island 69
Dollars Corner 256

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Gress Kinney Parrish Insurance Center

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Mount Vista 296700
Upper Elochoman 296400
Ethel 210400
Lewisville 435700
St. Helens 225100
Duluth 413200
Toledo 156300
Castle Rock 213800
Yacolt 306000
Felida 349000
Rose Valley 248800
Deer Island 182600
Dollars Corner 195300