Statistics & Research about Castle Rock,WA - High Cascades Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Castle Rock,WA an area served by High Cascades Agency

25 A ST
Phone : (360) 274-6991

Real estate research for area nearby High Cascades Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Clatskanie 212,300 667 3.8
Lower Elochoman 236700 NA NA
Kelso 132,100 720 6.5
East Cathlamet 53800 NA NA
Columbia County 220,400 780 4.2
Woodland 242,800 915 4.5
Northeast Cowlitz 156,000 672 5.2
Logan Hill 188,200 821 5.2
Bunker 266,700 642 2.9
Prescott 129200 NA NA

Number of whites in places near by High Cascades Agency

Place name Number of whites
Clatskanie 6603
Lower Elochoman 99
Kelso 10756
East Cathlamet 422
Columbia County 45912
Woodland 9265
Northeast Cowlitz 1659
Logan Hill 3079
Bunker 3183
Prescott 34
Pe Ell 467
Castle Rock 13939
Toledo-Vader 3339
Longview Heights 3478
Skamokawa Valley 197

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by High Cascades Agency

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Clatskanie 549
Lower Elochoman 32
Kelso 2220
East Cathlamet 59
Columbia County 4498
Woodland 697
Northeast Cowlitz 250
Logan Hill 318
Bunker 274
Prescott 16
Pe Ell 85
Castle Rock 1583
Toledo-Vader 395
Longview Heights 252
Skamokawa Valley 40

Number of blacks in places near by High Cascades Agency

Place name Number of blacks
Kelso 193
Columbia County 111
Woodland 20
Logan Hill 11
Castle Rock 38
Toledo-Vader 79

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by High Cascades Agency

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Clatskanie 227700
Lower Elochoman 335000
Kelso 197400
East Cathlamet 57800
Columbia County 224600
Woodland 231100
Northeast Cowlitz 145100
Logan Hill 202000
Bunker 275400
Pe Ell 137500
Castle Rock 213800
Toledo-Vader 144000
Longview Heights 255600