Statistics & Research about Chewelah,WA - Lewistown Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Chewelah,WA an area served by Lewistown Insurance

110 S 3RD ST E
Phone : (509) 935-6256

Real estate research for area nearby Lewistown Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Hunters-Gifford 180,200 615 4.1
Pend Oreille County 201,500 721 4.3
Marcus 119300 NA NA
Chewelah 178,700 590 4.0
Twin Lakes 161400 NA NA
Stevens County 178,000 634 4.3
Valley 145,800 492 4.0
Springdale 172,600 631 4.4
Loon Lake 219,800 961 5.2

Number of whites in places near by Lewistown Insurance

Place name Number of whites
Hunters-Gifford 1494
Pend Oreille County 11791
Marcus 121
Chewelah 5154
Addy 75
Twin Lakes 57
Stevens County 39119
Valley 122
Springdale 4617
Loon Lake 9340
Inchelium 47
Clayton 564
Colville 10924
Cusick 184
Barneys Junction 146

Number of old houses in places near by Lewistown Insurance

Place name Number of old houses
Hunters-Gifford 178100
Pend Oreille County 133200
Marcus 152100
Chewelah 168500
Stevens County 158900
Valley 129200
Springdale 156500
Loon Lake 170400
Colville 144800
Cusick 85000

Number of vacant houses in places near by Lewistown Insurance

Place name Number of vacant houses
Hunters-Gifford 213
Pend Oreille County 2450
Marcus 9
Chewelah 389
Addy 22
Twin Lakes 157
Stevens County 3371
Valley 9
Springdale 908
Loon Lake 657
Inchelium 92
Colville 571
Cusick 25

Number of blacks in places near by Lewistown Insurance

Place name Number of blacks
Pend Oreille County 16
Stevens County 180
Springdale 37
Loon Lake 120
Colville 3