Statistics & Research about Chelan,WA - Libke Insurance Associates Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Chelan,WA an area served by Libke Insurance Associates Inc

Phone : 509-682-1800

Real estate research for area nearby Libke Insurance Associates Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Mansfield 88,800 514 6.9
Chelan County 260,600 742 3.4
Leavenworth 276,000 933 4.1
Wenatchee 229,300 756 4.0
Methow 216700 NA NA
Chelan 376,900 656 2.1
Brewster-Wakefield 165,000 653 4.7
Manson 329,300 726 2.6
Brewster 157,000 584 4.5
Douglas County 213,900 753 4.2

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Libke Insurance Associates Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Mansfield 80
Chelan County 10924
Leavenworth 638
Wenatchee 4439
Methow 11
Chelan 1859
Brewster-Wakefield 509
Manson 539
Brewster 244
Douglas County 4017
Entiat 336
Pateros 76
Chelan Falls 77
Methow Valley 1370

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Libke Insurance Associates Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Chelan County 220100
Wenatchee 209100
Chelan 210400
Brewster-Wakefield 253600
Manson 215600
Brewster 168800
Douglas County 218400
Entiat 135800
Pateros 142900
Methow Valley 239300

Number of new houses in places near by Libke Insurance Associates Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Chelan County 393300
Douglas County 252500
Methow Valley 435700

Number of blacks in places near by Libke Insurance Associates Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Mansfield 10
Chelan County 247
Wenatchee 182
Brewster-Wakefield 8
Manson 14
Brewster 4
Douglas County 96
Pateros 4
Methow Valley 9