Statistics & Research about Wenatchee,WA - Libke Insurance Associates Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Wenatchee,WA an area served by Libke Insurance Associates Inc

Phone : 509-662-1800

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Real estate research for area nearby Libke Insurance Associates Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Cashmere 264,400 646 2.9
Malaga 304,700 992 3.9
Waterville 156,500 758 5.8
Rock Island 123,700 670 6.5
Wenatchee 229,300 756 4.0
Leavenworth 276,000 933 4.1
East Wenatchee 226,200 801 4.2
Chelan Falls 114600 NA NA
Chelan County 260,600 742 3.4
Chelan 376,900 656 2.1

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Libke Insurance Associates Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Cashmere 744
Malaga 352
Waterville 122
Rock Island 7
Wenatchee 2528
Leavenworth 71
East Wenatchee 2195
Chelan County 4905
Chelan 434
Entiat 141
Northeast Kittitas 394
South Wenatchee 13
Sunnyslope 369

Number of new houses in places near by Libke Insurance Associates Inc

Place name Number of new houses
East Wenatchee 250000
Chelan County 393300

Number of blacks in places near by Libke Insurance Associates Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Cashmere 51
Waterville 6
Wenatchee 182
East Wenatchee 42
Chelan County 247
Northeast Kittitas 22
Sunnyslope 47

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Libke Insurance Associates Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Cashmere 280600
Malaga 369200
Waterville 155300
Rock Island 58600
Wenatchee 266800
Leavenworth 293500
East Wenatchee 260300
Chelan County 298600
Chelan 477600
Entiat 176500
Northeast Kittitas 417700
South Wenatchee 86400
Sunnyslope 452300