Statistics & Research about Blaine,WA - Mcclain Insurance Services Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Blaine,WA an area served by Mcclain Insurance Services Inc

Phone : 360-332-7300

Real estate research for area nearby Mcclain Insurance Services Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Lummi Reservation 205,700 849 5.0
Marietta-Alderwood 286,800 746 3.1
Birch Bay 230,700 1146 6.0
Lummi Island 454,400 941 2.5
Anacortes 356,700 986 3.3
Kendall 201300 NA NA
Nooksack 219,900 937 5.1
Sudden Valley 272,600 1509 6.6
Deming 266300 NA NA
Orcas 518,600 807 1.9

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Mcclain Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Lummi Reservation 571
Marietta-Alderwood 485
Birch Bay 1381
Lummi Island 410
Anacortes 2611
Kendall 19
Nooksack 88
Sudden Valley 700
Deming 24
Orcas 1389
Bow 527
Bellingham 15521
Ferndale 2810
Friday Harbor 581

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Mcclain Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Lummi Reservation 190600
Marietta-Alderwood 167900
Birch Bay 216800
Lummi Island 195000
Anacortes 323700
Nooksack 245800
Sudden Valley 255400
Orcas 580300
Bow 344600
Bellingham 293800
Ferndale 275200
Friday Harbor 331400

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Mcclain Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Lummi Reservation 85
Birch Bay 116
Lummi Island 11
Anacortes 377
Nooksack 37
Sudden Valley 75
Deming 25
Orcas 79
Bow 156
Bellingham 1412
Ferndale 535
Friday Harbor 22

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Mcclain Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Lummi Reservation 219
Marietta-Alderwood 147
Birch Bay 834
Lummi Island 99
Anacortes 1377
Kendall 30
Nooksack 106
Sudden Valley 407
Deming 37
Orcas 354
Bow 407
Bellingham 6578
Ferndale 1882
Friday Harbor 106