Statistics & Research about Longview,WA - Simmons Insurance Group

Here are some statistics & research about Longview,WA an area served by Simmons Insurance Group

1152 3RD AVE STE B
Phone : 360-414-8180

Car dealers nearby Simmons Insurance Group

Columbia Hyundai

700 7th Avenue , Longview WA 98632
Phone: 360-200-4149

Bud Clary Chevrolet Subaru

Phone: 1-866-334-3780
url: http://budclarychevy.comindex.htm

Real estate research for area nearby Simmons Insurance Group

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Columbia County 220,400 780 4.2
Goble 223,400 1051 5.6
Deer Island 195500 NA NA
Rainier 195,800 905 5.5
Skamokawa Valley 208100 NA NA
Napavine 207,100 801 4.6
Wahkiakum County 191,500 554 3.5
Kelso 132,100 720 6.5
Longview Heights 222,000 686 3.7
Puget Island 259200 NA NA

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Simmons Insurance Group

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Columbia County 4498
Goble 250
Deer Island 29
Rainier 566
Skamokawa Valley 40
Napavine 276
Wahkiakum County 426
Kelso 2220
Longview Heights 252
Puget Island 49
Knappa-Brownsmead 243
Clatskanie 549
Columbia City 122
Prescott 16
Woodland 697

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Simmons Insurance Group

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Columbia County 248900
Goble 249500
Rainier 223600
Napavine 283800
Wahkiakum County 227700
Kelso 227900
Longview Heights 281900
Puget Island 544400
Knappa-Brownsmead 220800
Clatskanie 312800
Columbia City 228300
Woodland 301000

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Simmons Insurance Group

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Columbia County 631
Goble 29
Rainier 64
Skamokawa Valley 3
Napavine 27
Wahkiakum County 130
Kelso 149
Longview Heights 85
Puget Island 20
Knappa-Brownsmead 37
Clatskanie 119
Columbia City 34
Prescott 1
Woodland 194

Number of blacks in places near by Simmons Insurance Group

Place name Number of blacks
Columbia County 111
Rainier 67
Napavine 32
Wahkiakum County 7
Kelso 193
Columbia City 6
Woodland 20