Statistics & Research about Pullman,WA - Sloan Leavitt Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Pullman,WA an area served by Sloan Leavitt Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 509-332-1532

Car dealers nearby Sloan Leavitt Insurance Agency Inc

Jess Ford Of Pullman

Phone: (509) 334-6000
url: http://jessofpullman.dealercon

Real estate research for area nearby Sloan Leavitt Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Pullman 228,300 681 3.6
Latah County 189,800 659 4.2
Troy 164,300 613 4.5
Steptoe 94,200 720 9.2
Moscow 206,300 660 3.8
Clarkston 155,800 654 5.0
Palouse 136,900 750 6.6
Juliaetta 122,000 750 7.4
Clarkston Heights-Vineland 208,600 704 4.0
West Clarkston-Highland 170,500 651 4.6

Number of old houses in places near by Sloan Leavitt Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Pullman 223300
Latah County 168000
Troy 125800
Steptoe 101800
Moscow 218800
Clarkston 135800
Palouse 121200
Juliaetta 113700
Clarkston Heights-Vineland 600000
West Clarkston-Highland 152000
Endicott 88800
Whitman County 144200
Kendrick 125000
Lapwai 187500
Oakesdale 83600

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Sloan Leavitt Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Pullman 1824
Latah County 2110
Troy 76
Steptoe 13
Moscow 1301
Clarkston 1267
Palouse 89
Juliaetta 31
Clarkston Heights-Vineland 781
West Clarkston-Highland 394
Endicott 16
Whitman County 3017
Kendrick 29
Lapwai 70
Oakesdale 52

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Sloan Leavitt Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Pullman 307500
Latah County 257500
Troy 220200
Steptoe 325000
Moscow 264700
Clarkston 261000
Palouse 162500
Juliaetta 204500
Clarkston Heights-Vineland 275000
West Clarkston-Highland 313600
Whitman County 291900
Kendrick 97500
Lapwai 153100
Oakesdale 187500

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Sloan Leavitt Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Pullman 224700
Latah County 218800
Troy 225000
Steptoe 112500
Moscow 237700
Clarkston 176200
Palouse 193800
Juliaetta 180700
Clarkston Heights-Vineland 216000
West Clarkston-Highland 200000
Endicott 70000
Whitman County 197700
Kendrick 162500
Lapwai 108800
Oakesdale 268800