Statistics & Research about Goldendale,WA - The Pfefferkorn Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Goldendale,WA an area served by The Pfefferkorn Agency Inc

152 W Main St
Phone : 509-773-5529

Real estate research for area nearby The Pfefferkorn Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Horse Heaven Hills Plateau 108,900 701 7.7
Wasco 133,500 700 6.3
Dallesport-Klickitat 190,300 706 4.5
South Yakima 164,200 537 3.9
Wishram 79,600 581 8.8
Klickitat County 195,500 748 4.6
Klickitat 85,000 759 10.7
Dallesport 193,100 712 4.4
Bickleton 97,100 843 10.4

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by The Pfefferkorn Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Horse Heaven Hills Plateau 151
Wasco 135
Dallesport-Klickitat 809
South Yakima 310
Wishram 85
Klickitat County 2957
Klickitat 84
Dallesport 302
Bickleton 14
Roosevelt 18
Rufus 29
Yakama Nation Reservation 71
Biggs Junction 10
Lyle 104

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by The Pfefferkorn Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Horse Heaven Hills Plateau 336800
Wasco 97500
Dallesport-Klickitat 219700
South Yakima 165600
Wishram 155000
Klickitat County 263000
Dallesport 218800
Rufus 266700
Yakama Nation Reservation 237500

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by The Pfefferkorn Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Horse Heaven Hills Plateau 49
Wasco 20
Dallesport-Klickitat 65
South Yakima 29
Klickitat County 338
Klickitat 11
Yakama Nation Reservation 5

Number of blacks in places near by The Pfefferkorn Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Dallesport-Klickitat 10
South Yakima 11
Klickitat County 107
Klickitat 8