Statistics & Research about Selah,WA - Wright Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Selah,WA an area served by Wright Insurance Agency

Phone : 509-697-6521

Car dealers nearby Wright Insurance Agency

Pingrey Motor Company

Phone: (509) 697-7288

Real estate research for area nearby Wright Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Toppenish 109,600 676 7.4
Kittitas 270,700 844 3.7
Sunnyside 137,100 694 6.1
Moxee 176,900 906 6.1
Tieton 106,400 597 6.7
Gleed 167,000 701 5.0
White Swan 113,400 537 5.7
Harrah 107,500 645 7.2
Yakima 167,300 739 5.3
Buena 112,200 717 7.7

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Wright Insurance Agency

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Toppenish 301
Kittitas 94
Sunnyside 967
Moxee 33
Tieton 50
Gleed 24
White Swan 7
Harrah 16
Yakima 6068
Ellensburg 1524
Desert Aire 21

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Wright Insurance Agency

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Toppenish 880
Kittitas 1055
Sunnyside 7112
Moxee 506
Tieton 164
Gleed 584
White Swan 68
Harrah 87
Yakima 21084
Buena 112
Ellensburg 2977
Desert Aire 584
Cowiche 17
Parker 33
Nile 51

Number of vacant houses in places near by Wright Insurance Agency

Place name Number of vacant houses
Toppenish 61
Kittitas 241
Sunnyside 834
Moxee 15
Tieton 24
Gleed 90
White Swan 17
Harrah 1
Yakima 3374
Buena 35
Ellensburg 666
Desert Aire 403
Nile 8

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Wright Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Toppenish 91900
Kittitas 189800
Sunnyside 146800
Moxee 166700
Tieton 136500
Gleed 166700
Harrah 121400
Yakima 191100
Ellensburg 299000
Desert Aire 187100